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Chatbot Success StoriesJuly 21, 2017Written by Alex Debecker

The Best HR Chatbot for Your Business

best hr chatbot

Your next HR hire might just be a chatbot.

Chatbots are revolutionising across all departments, particularly in human resources.

What can a chatbot do for your HR department? This is what we are going to cover in this article. After hundreds of meetings with companies of all sizes about their HR chatbot needs, I am confident I can shed some light on the usefulness of chatbots in any organisation.

There is no single 'best chatbot for HR'. Your HR department has its own requirements and needs. Thus, you need a chatbot that is unique to you. Therefore, there are a series of must-haves and must-knows about HR chatbots which I am going to share with you now.

So, here we go. The best HR chatbot should...


Be unique and custom

Let's get this one out of the way early.

Like I said in the introduction, your company is unique and so should your chatbot be. Sure, most of the businesses that come to us face similar issues which we end up solving in a similar fashion.

Yet, there is no one-size-fits-all for HR chatbots. We always end up building something unique for each client. Whether it is language, integrations, speed, platform -- anything.

If you are serious about bringing an HR chatbot into your organisation, look beyond off-the-shelf services. Trust me, you are going to need customisation at some point.


Solve an issue

An HR chatbot is not a fun chatbot you sort of release because you kind of want to see what's going to happen. It's not a toy.

It's a real investment to solve real business issues. That is what our AI solutions do; they solve real business issues.

Your chatbot needs to make something more efficient. What that something is, is up to you.

We have built solutions that reduce workloads. We have built solutions that save employee time. We have built solutions that make payroll a smoother process. We have built solutions that completely replace an old and clunky self-service HR platform.

You know your organisation better than anyone else. What needs improving? Where's the low-hanging-fruit?

hr chatbot next hire


Be introduced to your team(s)

Bringing a chatbot into the office can scare people. There is no way around it, some of your employees might think robots are taking over their jobs.

We have never been on that side of the debate -- a debate which I am not going to get into right now.

I do, however, encourage you to introduce your chatbot to your teams early on. In fact, I encourage you to do so during the planning phase of your chatbot project.

Getting people involved early will achieve two things.

One, you will get incredible feedback from your employees. They know what needs to be done, what needs improvement, and what needs replacement. This will be valuable throughout the planning and building phase of your chatbot.

Two, you will get the chance to get everyone on board with the project. It is your job to reassure your colleagues and employees about the chatbot. 100% of the companies we have spoken to want an HR chatbot to improve efficiency and productivity, not to throw people out.


Be focused

Those who read our blog should already know this. Your chatbot needs one goal and one goal only. It is paramount you keep your project focussed and restrained - at the start.

Our super-smart AI solutions can achieve a lot. The trick is to not get carried away from the get-go.

Our way of ensuring this with our clients is to go back to that one issue. What is your biggest problem? For now, this is what your chatbot should focus on. Sure, you could make payroll slicker, improve employee onboarding and track company-wide morale. But, what is the priority?

Focus on the issue at hand. Get your chatbot to improve your KPIs. Then, maybe, start looking to expand.


Be malleable and trainable

Finally, supporting my previous point, your HR chatbot should be malleable and trainable.

Malleable because you will want to add more features as your chatbot develops. Like I said, you should start by focusing on the issue you want to fix. But, once that is done, you can start solving additional problems.

You want to make sure your chatbot is ready for it. Have it built in a way that allows you to add more features on top of the first one without breaking everything. That is going to come down to picking the right company to build your chatbot.

Trainable, because no chatbot is perfect. Ever. Not only will it need training to improve over time, it will also need training to adapt to your newest policies and latest documents.

Make sure your chatbot is not a static, ship-it-once, project.



There is no best HR chatbot. There is only the one that suits your needs and solves your issues. The points above should give you a good head start on what you need from your chatbot.

Have an HR issue you'd like to solve in mind? Get in touch!